Get rid of Tapeworms (cestode)

TapewormTapeworms got their name because of their flat, slender but very long bodies – the name "cestode" is derived from the Latin word cestus, which means "tape". The adults of all 3,400 Tapeworm species are internal parasites in the organs of vertebrates, including fish, cats, dogs and humans. The head is generally tiny compared to the size of the whole animal, and forms a scolex that attaches the parasite to the lining of the host's gut.

Tapworms have no mouths or guts, and the syncitial skin absorbs nutrients – mainly carbohydrates and amino acids – from the host, and also disguises it chemically to avoid attacks by the host's immune system. Their metabolisms generally use simple but inefficient chemical processes, and the parasites compensate by consuming large amounts of food relative to their size.

Tapeworm and it's environment

We all have tapeworm stages in our bodies, probably going back to childhood when we ate dirt. It is not normal for these stages to hatch and develop further. Their purpose is to stay dormant. And perhaps they do little harm this way. But Hulda Clark has found that all HIV/AIDS sufferers have "tapeworm disease". The stages are hatching. This spews the tiny larvae and cysts, plus unfertilized eggs and their bacteria all over the body, making you feel sick. Perhaps the large amounts of solvents accumulated in the body forces them to hatch; perhaps the lowered immunity allows them to hatch.

The Syncrometer usually detects scolices (heads) and eggs in the most vital organs: the thymus, spleen, bone marrow, brain and liver. Tapeworm stages that have disseminated in your body do not come unaccompanied, either. They bring some very harmful bacteria and viruses with them. Streptomyces fungus is one of the worst.

Two species of Hymenolepis are of particular interest. Hymenolepis nana (referred to as Vampirolepis nana by some authors) is a parasite of humans. It is also found in rodents, mice in particular. Hymenolepis diminuta is a also a parasite of rodents, rats in particular, but it has been reported from humans on rare occasions. Many "fish eating" vertebrates can serve as the definitive host for Diphyllobothrium latum (the broadfish tapeworm), including humans, dogs, foxes, cats, mink, bears, and seals. The adult tapeworm lives in the host's small intestine, and in humans the tapeworm can reach a length of 10 meters (>30 feet) and produce over a million eggs a day!

The life cycle of the Tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus includes dogs (and other canines) as the definitive host, and a variety of species of warm blooded vertebrates (sheep, cattle, goats, and humans) as the intermediate host. The adult worms are very small, usually consisting of only three proglottids (total length = 3-6 mm), and they live in the dog's small intestine. Eggs are liberated in the host's feces, and when these eggs are ingested by the intermediate host they hatch in the host's small intestine. The larvae in the eggs penetrate the gut wall and enter the circulatory system. The larvae can be distributed throughout the intermediate host's body (although most end up in the liver) and grow into a stage called a hydatid cyst. Hydatid cysts have the ability to grow quite large; cysts the size of golf balls are not uncommon, and cysts the size of basketballs are reported on rare occasions. The pathology associated with hydatid disease in the intermediate host depends on the size of the cyst and its location. One or two small cysts in the liver of a host might go unnoticed for years. However, a single large cyst in the liver could prove fatal. Hydatid disease is far more serious when the cysts are found in other locations, particularly the brain. The infection is transmitted to the definitive host when the hydatid cyst is eaten. As one might suspect, this species of parasite is more common in areas of the world where dogs are used to herd sheep. Under most circumstances humans are a "dead end" in the life cycle, but hydatid disease in humans remains a serious problem because the disease can cause such serious pathology.

There are several species of Taenia that humans are likely to encounter. These include two species for which humans serve as the definitive host: Taenia saginata (now often called Taeniarhynchus saginatus), the beef tapeworm; and T. solium, the pork tapeworm. Several species of Taenia also infect dogs and cats (e.g.,T. pisiformis), and humans are likely to encounter these when they note the presence of these tapeworms' proglottids in their pets' feces. All species of Taenia have similar life cycles. The adult tapeworm lives in the definitive host's small intestine. Proglottids, which contain eggs, break off the posterior end of the tapeworm, and these proglottids are either passed intact in the host's feces or they dissolve in the host's intestine and eggs are passed in the feces. The eggs of Taenia have a characteristic appearance, but they can not be differentiated to species. The intermediate host is infected when it ingests the eggs, and a cysticercus develops in the intermediate host. The definitive host is infected when it eats an intermediate host infected with cysticerci . As adults in the definitive host's small intestine, tapeworms rarely cause problems; in exceptional cases the tapeworms might physically block the intestinal tract, due to their large size, or proglottids might become lodged in the appendix and result in appendicitis. The proglottids of Taenia are large and muscular. Occasionally single proglottids or long chains of proglottids might crawl out of the anus of an infected human. Understandably, most humans would find this quite disturbing, and it surely would not be an appropriate topic for "polite conversation."

Symptoms and problems

Although adult tapeworms in humans rarely cause problems, humans can also be infected with cysticerci. Such an infection is referred to as cysticercosis, and this can result in significant pathology.

Clinical symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, and weakness.  Also, the nutritional status of the host may be severely compromised. In particular, the worm may inhibit the body's ability to absorb vitamin B12, and may cause anemias.

Hydatidosis is caused by the tapeworm Echinococcus granulosa and is a serious disease in many parts of the world, particularly in areas where sheep farming is prevalent.  Humans become infected when they accidentally ingest eggs, usually as a result of petting infected dogs and then touching the mouth or nose. Dogs, dingoes and foxes are the primary host for this parasite, and herbivores (plant eaters) like sheep, cattle, horses, pigs, goats, kangaroos and wallabies are intermediate hosts. Cats and other carnivores are not suitable hosts for this parasite. Hydatids are slow-growing and infections may not be symptomatic for years.  As the hydatid grows, it forms a cyst.  This cyst crowds adjacent normal tissue and impairs the tissue's ability to function.  If the cyst ruptures, the fluid within the cyst can cause anaphylatic shock. Surgery is the only effective treatment for hydatidosis.

Neurocysticercosis, which arises when larvae of the pork tapeworm Taenia solium penetrate the central nervous system, is the major cause of acquired epilepsy worldwide.


Infections with Taenia are diagnosed by recovering eggs or proglottids in the feces of an infected host.

You can also try the Cayenne Challenge Test:
Take about 1/4 tsp of cayenne 3-4 times a day in whatever you may wish to cool it down - yogurt, apple sauce whatever. Organic and not in capsules is best. It will not hurt your stomach in fact is healthy for it and your whole body. Within a few days there usually will be "white rice" or "seseme seeds" or maybe things that look like pieces of nuts. The white rice are Tapeworm segments. The seseme seeds may be seeds from the tapeworm or other parasites. The cayenne is an ongoing check to see if your paracide herbs, zapper or whatever your do, is getting rid of it. It does not kill the tapeworm.


The herbal parasite program is not effective against all tapeworms. Still you can reach mostbuy parasite herbs with a high dosage of the parasite herbs (4x the recommended dosage). The zapper can't reach every one either. Other traditional herbs, such as pumpkin seed or male fern, are helpful, as is a reduction in carbohydrates from your diet. Still better if you can go on a fast, once they get hungry they will generally leave the body in search for more food. None of this will kill the eggs.

The most effective treatment to kill tapeworm eggs Hulda Clark has found is Co-enzyme Q10. It takes a very large amount, 3000mg, to reach tapeworm casts in far away places like the brain or bone marrow. This is 3 grams. If you are extra tall or heavy, it takes 4 grams [over 155 pounds].

Co-enzyme Q10 is normally present in every cell of your body. It is never toxic and there are no side effects. But its cost is prohibitive to take on an ongoing basis. Plan not to reinfect yourself again so that one dose is enough. You could re-infect yourself by eating rare meats or dairy products.

Take it once a week. On other days take a smaller dose, about 400mg. To get its full potency, take it on an empty stomach, such as before breakfast.

If you are not HIV positive, you could reserve the large dose for times of illness, taking the large dose once a week until you are well.

Tough Tapeworms

But killing the tapeworm larvae still might not end your tapeworm disease! A few varieties of tapeworms, like Echinococcus multiocularis, have larvae inside their larvae! An even those second generation larvae can have more larvae inside them. These internal larvae are shielded from all things that might harm them. That is undoubtedly why they are not eradicated by the zapper or herbs or even Co-enzyme Q10. The innermost larvae are called hydatid sand. Testing with a Syncrometer reveals that in some persons, unfortunate enough to have these tapeworm varieties, hydatid sand is still present and alive after all these treatments. E. granulosis is the most common variety to survive it all. It is found the world over, infesting sheep, cattle, pigs, horses, goats and dogs.
But what harm would a few left over stages of tapeworms do? With most of them dead, surely your health should improve. In themselves, they may do little harm. But Streptomyces which accompanies the larvae, does a great deal of harm. Streptomyces can spread through your body like a virus, attacking your weakened organs such as the thymus.

Streptomyces is not merely a nuisance, like Candida. Streptomyces makes protease! It uses up your nucleic acid bases, adenine and hypoxanthine; it makes nitrites out of nitrates; it makes ammonia out of your urea; it has powerful immune suppressant action on T-cells. This is no ordinary invader although it is present in the soil everywhere. Unless you kill every grain of the hydatid sand and other leftover shielded larvae, you cannot get well.

At the same time, the cyst must not be opened to let out the mischief-makers, but merely penetrated to kill the contents. Fortunately, we have found a combination of two things that can penetrate a succession of membranes to kill the shielded larvae within, as well as any trapped eggs. They are cysteine and ozonated olive oil.

If you do not get well after the herbal parasite program, Co-enzyme Q10, and the zapper treatment, you can assume you have either leftover tapeworm stages or survivor Ascaris eggs. It takes about 3 weeks for large parasites like Ascaris and tapeworm larvae to disintegrate completely and be cleared from your tissues.

How to make sure you kill all of the invaders stages.

Here is the Mop-up Program for tapeworm larvae:
Ozonated olive oil, 1 tablespoon with food. Next day 2 tabsp, next day 3 parasite herbs
Take 400mg of VitC and Vit E two or more hours after the Olive Oil
L-cysteine, 500mg, 2 capsules 3 times a day. Maintenance: 3 caps daily for 14 days
Buy a small ozonator to make your own ozonated oil.

Maintenance after initial doses:
ozonated olive oil: once a week two tablespoons
Take 400mg of VitC and Vit E two or more hours after the Olive Oil
L-cysteine, 500mg, Maintenance: 3 caps daily for 14 days or longer if re-infestation is a problem

You can easily make your own ozonated oil. Purchase an ozonator and a small bottle of olive oil. Pour off an inch or so. Attach an aerator to the end of your ozonator hose and drop it to the bottom of the olive oil bottle. Choose a ceramic or wood aerator, available at any pet store; the plastic varieties release benzene! The bubbles may make the oil flow over the top. In this case, pour more of it off. Turn the ozonator on before dropping the hose in the bottle. Ozonate for 20 minutes or longer. When done, cap the bottle and store in the freezer until you are ready to use it. It melts quickly when needed. After 5 days of use, ozonate again to restore potency.

Ozonated oil gives you no noticeable side effects, but it should be taken no more than necessary. One could expect the ozone to jump across from oil molecules to your fat molecules, aging them too soon. Fortunately, the dose is small and may be directed at the intruders before it is directed at you.

The cysteine should be the L-variety, not D-cysteine which is unnatural. It may be cysteine hydrochloride or simply free cysteine.

Taking this supplement can give you side effects, perhaps due to its penetrating antiparasite property. If you have serious side effects, reduce the dosage. Even if you reduce the dosage, do not take it longer than 3 weeks. Most persons get no side effects. But the more parasitized you are, the more side effects you could have: fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea. Remember, animals that are being deparasitized have similar symptoms.

I have not yet found a way to counteract these symptoms, so it is wise to drink lots of water while taking it, take vitamin C and vitamin E, 400mg, one a day. Vitamin E will counteract the over-oxidation produced temporarily by the ozonated oil. Take it two hours or more after the ozonated oil to make sure there is no loss of the oil's potency. Also, alkalinize yourself with 1/2 tsp. baking soda at bedtime since all sulfur compounds will acidify you. Be patient. Usually, all side effects disappear in a few days, but in difficult cases they may last a week. Make sure to eat regular meals in spite of appetite loss. You must not allow yourself to lose weight, even for one week. Taking a capsule of vitamin B1, 500mg, with each meal helps with appetite.

Cysteine has other important benefits for you. It counteracts the radiation we all get from living on this planet, called "background radiation". This might even explain why supplementing animals with cysteine had the effect of lengthening their live substantially. Cysteine is a heavy metal detoxifier, perhaps through the formation of glutathione. It is a precursor to glutathione and deserves a permanent place on your supplement list.

Nevertheless, supplementing with cysteine should not be overdone. After taking 6 capsules daily for 3 weeks (plus baking soda at bedtime), go off it completely for one week.

If your symptoms return or never completely left, you can assume that some eggs escaped or you still have a particularly resistant tapeworm stage. You may safely double the dosage of ozonated oil. Take one tbs. twice a day for one day only. It is not necessary to repeat this. No Ascaris or tapeworm stage can escape this one-time treatment. Only reinfection can give them back to you. Although there are no side effects, you may not take this dosage on a daily buy parasite herbsbasis. But you may add it to your weekly maintenance program (including vitamin E).

Buy Parasite Herbs


As with any parasite issue, hygiene is important.

The main lines of precaution are those dictated by sanitary science:

  • Use a water filter
  • If you eat meat, make sure it is well done.
  • Do not use human excrement or raw sewage or untreated 'night soil' as manure/fertilizer in agriculture
  • Do not walk barefoot in known infected areas
  • Thoroughly washing food and cooking food
  • Washing hands after going to the toilet, and before handling or eating food.
  • Using safe food preparation practices.
  • Don't kiss or sleep with your dog!
  • Worm your pets regularly
  • Cleaning of animal living areas regularly, and hygienically collecting and disposing of faeces.
  • Checking sewage systems often to ensure they are not broken or faulty.
  • Reduce carbs in your diet as a shortage of carbohydrates in the host's diet stunts the growth of the parasites and kills some.